Thursday, August 03, 2006

Opinion: Matbaa versus Rastakhiz

While we have taken a break during the summer silly season, things have sufficiently cooled down this week to enable us to give brief consideration to a minor spat that has surfaced between two erstwhile micronational newsblogs: Dzez Matbaa and Radio Rastakhiz. We probably wouldn't have bothered if Dzez Matbaa allowed direct feedback, like ourselves, to published articles, but they seemingly don't, so we have bothered.

Anyway, it would seem that yesterday Radio Rastakhiz essentially accused the Matbaic government of hypocrisy by virtue of apparently permitting two of its key government figures to post messages from the same IP address, and thereby demonstrating that they were obviously one and the same person.

The only thing is, a brief bit of research of the Matbaic website, and of a thread about Matbaa in Micronational Eye, would have provided enough circumstancial evidence to significantly reduce that probability. (We're feeling generous so we'll offer a small prize to anyone who can identify the evidence and let us know if they can conclude what we have concluded from it).

Dzez Matbaa, in its haste to issue a suitable response, also skipped a bit of research. A quick search of the Babkhan forums and of Microwiki infers that Ardashir Khan is the Emir of Raspur all the time, but when he's Shah he's primarily Osman Shahanshah.

While we know we shouldn't jump to conclusions like everyone else, it's possible that a news blog like Radio Rastakhiz was called 'Radio' because its founders thought it was a good idea at the time.

Personally, though, we blame the Baracoãns.

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