Sunday, April 26, 2009

Demolished! The Great Geocities Rescue...

Geocities, Yahoo!'s "$4bn dotcom relic" has stopped accepting new hosting accounts and will be closed later this year. For the micronational community, this means that a number of micronational sites, some quite old and of historical interest, will need to find new homes sometime soon.

Fortunately the erstwhile Apollo Foundation has just launched a campaign to gather information on sites that will need to be relocated, with the intention of archiving many of them itself. It is hoped that, for some sites, other parties will also be interested in offering ongoing hosting arrangements.

An initial list of micronational sites currently hosted on Geocities has been published by Imperium Incognita, while the issue has also been publicised on the widely-visited micronational forums aof Microhub, Micronations.EU and Shireroth.

State of the Nation: Natopia in April

Shireroth's DiploCorps report that Natopia is having trouble retaining all of those recent new citizens.

In other news, the Natopians are downsizing their government, developing the imperial space programme and Bovic religion, and sensibly excluding themselves from recwars.