Friday, January 21, 2005

A Flurry of FNORDs

For the fourth time in three years, micronationalists are busily nominating their choices for the People's FNORD Awards. This year there are over thirty awards available for nomination, although only the most popular will make it through to the final round of voting by five top judges.

The FNORD Awards are named after a combination of Emperor Joshua Norton and the Illuminatus Trilogy and were inspired by the original Norton Awards, which have long ceased to be. Their aim is to recognise micronationalists who have "lived up to the example of crazy genius that Norton pioneered" and "made the micronational world a much more interesting place."

The format of the awards has changed over the years, but this year sees the return of the voting judges, and a record number of awards. Nominations will close at the end of this weekend in time for several days of intense voting by the judges.

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