Monday, September 13, 2004

Formula Z Finishes With a Flourish

COURLAND BARRACKS, GOTZBORG - Motorsports fans were awed when members of the Gotzborg Royal Family attended the final Formula Z race last Sunday (5th), and then presented the end-of-season prizes afterwards. King August Charles II raided the family silver to hand over some glittering trophies to the first Formula Z World Champion Driver, Trevon Andarosel, as well as series co-organiser and race winner Iain de Vembria, and the World Champion Team, Knightrider Racing.

In his acceptance speech, Andarosel broke down in tears as he thanked "my team, the organisation committee of Formula Z and the MML, the nations who hosted the tracks,... my pet sandworm, my parents and other family, the university for wasting their bandwidth, the guys who developed HTML, PHP and MySQL, Brattain and Bardeen for building the first transistor, James Maxwell for developing the electromagnetic theory, and, finally, Extreme007 for not discovering how to win races before halfway through the season."

Formula Z is a motorracing simulation that was launched in the wake of the growing success of other micronational sports, particularly association football, and has achieved a remarkably consistently high level of participation for each race. Charles II said of it: "Formula Z is an enjoyable respite from stuffy government offices, heated debates, and diplomatic activities. It is an engagement in which people from all over micronations come together to challenge others, themselves and participate in something that is fun."

Races were held in seven micronations in this year: Attera, Aerlig, Babkha, Prya, Istvanistan, S.O. Treesia and Gotzborg.

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