Sunday, June 27, 2004

The Helios Scandal

FEIANOVA CITY, FEIANOVA/AQUILARIA, ANTICA/KAMALSHAHR, BABKHA - A major espionage scandal has been uncovered over the last week that threatens to engulf the Feianovan community, with special ramifications also appearing in Babkha, where a Feianovan dual-citizen, Theonen Helios, has been placed under an order to keep the peace by the Supreme Court, in what appears to be the preliminary act to an indictment.

On June 24th, the Dinarchy of Antica published allegations that citizen Theonen Helios, was involved in efforts on behalf of Feianova to cause a general war against Antica. To this end Helios is alleged to have fed the Kingdom of Babkha false information concerning the imminence of an Antican attack on the Babkhan infrastructure. The Babkhan Shah responded to the Antican allegations by acknowledging that his government had been aware that Helios was involved in spreading disinformation but declined to elaborate.

It appears that Helios was caught after separate investigations by the Antican Intelligence Service and the Imperial Babkhan Army into alleged “papel� Ethan Aster and a “dodgy dossier� provided by Thoenen Helios were linked by the Shirerithian intelligence agency SHINE.

In Babkha the allegations have been deemed serious enough to merit legal proceedings being brought against Helios. In Kamalshahr the bureaucracy has been assembling over the weekend the mechanisms for a trial. With Associate Justice Ardashir Osmani binding over Helios to keep the peace in the Kingdom of Babkha, until such time as his case is brought to trial, and the Shah inviting a neutral third party to take the post of Director of Public Prosecution on a 30-day contract, it is reported from contacts in the Babkhans Vizierate of Home Affairs that an indictment might be issued as soon as next Monday (June 28th).

Thoenen Helios has resigned all Micronational citizenships in an attempt to head off retribution and has also published apparent confession. Nonetheless critics of teh impending legal action against Helios have questioned whether Babkha has any jurisdiction in this matter as the accused is now no longer a Babkhan. However, sources close to the Shahyiar Palace have countered by pointing out that crimes alleged to have occurred while a person was a Babkhan citizen still need to be addressed by the court to, firstly, assert the supremacy of the law and, secondly, to confirm one way or another the accused's innocence or guilt.

The Helios scandal has, moreover, caused some confusion in Babkha, with the Supreme Court having issued an order stopping the declaration of Thoenen Helios as a traitor. Most bizarrely, Grand Vizier Rakesh Ackbar, who made the original petition that led to the ruling, appeared to be petitioning against his own government, which in turn responsibility in some part for the administration of Babkha’s ezboard. There have been some calls for his resignation if he intends to be, as is speculated, Thoenen Helios’ defence council, on the grounds of a conflict of interest that might well arise from the head of government defending a former citizen accused of betraying that selfsame government.

What is unclear is the extent to which other Feianovan dual citizens in Babkha were aware or involved in the alleged occurrences. If their invlovement was as extensive as the Anticans claim, the possible rogue activities of one individual could soon become clouded in a major Intermicronational crisis.

The case continues...

- from our Secret Correspondent

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