Friday, December 11, 2009

Istvanistan & Verac Accords Finally Take Effect

MODBURY, VERAC - After many diplomatic niceties and cartographical tweaks, the Istvanistan-Verac Accords took effect today.

The slightly mundane title disguises some fundamental changes that affect both nations. Verac relocates completely from Istvanistan Island across the world to a vacant area adjacent Gralus (although one that has been occupied by many different nations in previous years), while donating its former territory to neighbouring Istvanistan.

For the first time ever, Verac's island of Molyneux is shown on the MCS map, while Istvanistan expands for what is probably the first time in its long history, although only back to its previous fullest extent, with the new territory intended to be allocated to its own long unmapped Autonomous Oblast of Polabia..

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