Sunday, November 16, 2008

Music for Micronations

Micronational radio stations have come and gone. Mostly, by now, they have gone. Generally they have taken the form of podcasts, sometimes regularly, sometimes intermittently, with a mix of news, discussion, unintelligble rants and chatter, and a smattering of royalty-free music. 

Now, there's a new radio station in town. One that narrowcasts continously, doesn't require the involvement of any micronationalists to keep operating, and doesn't have any actual micronational content.

However, it has been created by Micronations.Net especially as a dedicated music station for micronations, with a varied playlist to suit many tastes, and it's called Micronational Music Radio.

We quite like it, and we think you might like it too. You can listen to it indirectly here, or directly here.

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