Monday, September 25, 2006

NewsBlink #1: Stormark Stalks, Cyberias Cogitate, Shireroth Snoozes

NewsBlink #1

Stormark Stalks State
Stormark is living up to its Viking heritage and trying to claim the territory of Oscland, even though the latter merely suffered an abdication and change of government. The Duchess of Romsdal has described the situation as a "Complex and Vexing Problem", but we all know there can only be one "satisfactory solution".

A Couple of Cyberias Cogitate
The VCC is discussing spam e-mail and looking for an electoral commissioner. Meanwhile the FRC is playing a new word game, which is more fun. Probably.

Shireroth Snoozes Serenely
Shireroth's forum is on the blink - the challenging colour scheme is too much even for PHPBB it seems, so it's moved to a temporary location with a readable colour scheme, so now's a good opportunity to catch up on all the stuff you couldn't read before, and discover that they've run out of things to do. Again.

And Finally...
Let sleeping micronations lie. Especially ones like Attera.

NewsBlinks: blink and you'll miss 'em MTM

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