Saturday, May 20, 2006

Babkhan Heirs Announced

THE ROYAL SHAHYIAR PALACE, BABKHA - The long-awaited decision about the successors to the Royal Babkhan Throne was announced to the world on Tuesday by His Majesty Osman Shahanshah.

The decision was inspired by His Majesty being "mortally wounded" by the recent passing away of His Highness the Sultan of Hatay, Muhammed al-Baqir, known to rest of the micronational community as the erstwhile Master Robert Davis.

His Majesty's familial house, the Imperial House of Osmani, has now adopted the Imperial House of Rugahi, thus making His Excellency Mirza Darius Rugahi the new Crown Prince and Heir to the Kapav throne.

The second in line to the throne was revealed as being Rashid Arslani, of the Imperial House of Arslani, while His Imperial Majesty Tahmaseb Abakhtari, former Shah of Babkha and current Shahan-Ri of the Grand Commonwealth, is now the third in the line of succession.

The new heirs to the throne said they were very honoured in being chosen and wished the Shah of Babkha a long reign.

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