Saturday, February 25, 2006

Dreesbach's Interland to Stay with the Grand Commonwealth

Interland's Kaiser, Daniel Dreesbach, has vowed that it will remain a member of the Grand Commonwealth for the foreseeable future, and that it would not rejoin Attera if the latter "came back from the dead".

So far, due to the lack of a public internet presence, the only evidence of this has been the frequency of articles published by the state journal, the Red Shield III. It recently reported that Emperor Mik?el Tzion I had approved the creation of a new "East Interland" in Attera to "teach" Dreesbach how to establish a "viable entity". It will be interesting to see if this can be achieved, given that Interland was allowed to languish for many years under Atteran control.

The Kingdom of Interland voluntarily joined the Grand Commonwealth at the beginning of this month, following its independence from Attera after the change of government that saw founder Emperor Mik?el Tzion I (aka Diga Makonnen) retake control and refocus its presence away from the internet-based nation it had been for a number of years. Kaiser Daniel said that Interland was better off in the Grand Commonwealth as it "retained its sovereignty and own identity".

Commenting about Makonnen and the recent changes in Attera, Dreesbach added: "He has a very defined view of what Attera should be and not be, which has not changed over the years. On the other hand what has changed is how he deals with others, especially within Attera. Diga has been more unbending toward Atterans who disagree with him. That in itself may not be a bad thing but how he dealt with those issues did cause problems."

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