Saturday, June 11, 2005

Aryez threatens Commonwealth, exposed as fraud

MZM CAPITAL OFFICE, CCT (GC) - The Aralanic Empire of Aryez has been exposed today trying to lure Antica into an attack on the Grand Commonwealth with false and misleading information.

Aryez approached the Antican Foreign Office yesterday declaring that "war between Aryez and the GC seems to be imminent" and claiming that unidentified members of the Grand Commonwealth had made derogatory remarks about the nation. The approach followed similar comments at Aryez's own forums. The slanderous rampage then continued into the Grand Commonwealth's own foreign affairs headquarters, with Aryez calling for death to the Commonwealth and calling for the trial of the Commonwealth's Taoiseach, for crimes against humanity, although these claims were backed up with neither examples nor evidence.

A quick conference between leaders of the Commonwealth and Antica soon laid down fears of any conflict, and it was almost instantly apparent that the claims had all been falsified. Aryez then tried to jump on the back foot by claiming that their account had been hacked after it became clear that Antica would not get involved, even though there was an abundance of evidence to the contrary. Nothing has been heard of since from the Aryezian government.

For all the latest news, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor.

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