Sunday, May 22, 2005

Aerlig to hold Elections

ADELWIN, AERLIG - Aerlish Protector Lachlan Powers early this evening prorogued the Parliament on request of the citizens, calling for nominations for the twelfth parliament of the Republic.

The Protector has called for nominations to the new Parliament, which is to be made up of five members. With eight currently active citizens in the Republic, there is a strong chance of an election occurring for the available seats. During the election period, Prime Minister Carson Smith will continue to head the caretaker government.

Should an election be called, it is expected that the newly renamed Labour Party, led by Peter Krembs, will fight a strong campaign for seats in the Parliament. The new Aerlig National Party should secure at least one seat under original Aerlig citizen Joe Sendler, while the eXpansionist Party will look to gain up to three seats in the election. The Liberal Republican Party, led by former citizen and Prime Minister Kevin, is expected to lose all representation in the Parliament and consequently be stripped of party status.

Nominations are being accepted by the Protector for ten days until June 2.

More the latest news from Aerlig, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor.

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