Friday, December 30, 2005

Two Lovely Awards for the Inquisitor!

The Apollo Inquisitor has picked up two Lovely gongs at the 2005 Lovely Broadcasting Corporation Media Awards.

The Inquisitor won the award for Foreign Newspaper of the Year, while co-owner and editor Sir Iain de Vembria was named Foreign Reporter of the Year.

The is the first year of the LBC Media Awards, which were founded by the Lovely Broadcasting Corporation to honour the best national and micronational newspapers, and radio and television productions, as a means of "inspiring, promoting, and supporting creativity".

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Chancellor Vembria Speaks!

SECURE UNDISCLOSED LOCATION, SAHANSARI-TARA; The Apollo Inquisitor is pleased to announce that it has secured an exclusive interview with the Chancellor of Internal Affairs, Sir Iain Vembria, the saviour of Treesia and scourge of Shirerithian Imperialism.

Apollo Inquisitor: Now, Sir Iain, how do you feel now that you are returned to the office of Chancellor of Internal Affairs?
Sir Iain: I am flattered by the honour and will continue to serve the Grand Commonwealth to the best of my abilities.

Apollo Inquisitor: Sir Iain, what plans do you have to raise the profile of your department compared to say defence or external affairs?
Sir Iain: I will continue to ensure that my department's creations are seen by each and every visitor to the Grand Commonwealth, and to encourage innovative contributions from all citizens.
Apollo Inquisitor: Do you consider the creation of a synthesis culture based on contributions from GC citizens to be a priority for your department?
Sir Iain: That has indeed been the inspiration behind all that we've done so far, and we anticipate that will continue in the foreseeable future, not least because that is one of the fundmental facets of the Grand Commonwealth itself.
Apollo Inquisitor: Ok and finally, it is being reported in Shireroth that a dipcorps are looking to make you an offer to renounce Treesia, and by extension the Grand Commonwealth's, wholey legitimate claim to Lac Glacei. What is your stance on the matter?
Sir Iain: I have not been made aware of any such plans, but in any case, such a matter would have to go through the normal diplomatic channels first.
Apollo Inquisitor: Herr Chancellor, thank you for your time.

We at the Apollo Inquisitor have every confidence that with Sir Iain as part of the Taoiseach's team the Grand Commonwealth will continue to assert its dignity and sovereignty across Micras.

Taoiseach Announces New Cabinet: Builds Fences

THE APADANA, SAHANSARI-TARA; Newly elected Taoiseach, Lachlan Powers, has announced the new line up of Chancellors to administer the Micras spanning Grand Commonwealth. To tackle the mission the Taoiseach has set himself of bringing new life to the sprawling empire Lachlan has appointed the same familiar faces from the preceeding Ackbar Administration, the only ommission being Rakesh Ackbar himself, whose career is believed widely to be suffering from an excessive social life at university. Otherwise the continuity in personnel is striking.

Executive Order 006 was issued on Sunday 13 November 2005/Yekshanbeh 22 Aban 1384/
2291 ASC. The appointments made are as follows:

Ardashir Khan Osmani, the Osman Shahanshah of Babkha, continues in the post of Protector of the Grand Commonwealth, a position that makes him defacto ruler of the Grand Commonwealth if the Taoiseach is absent from duty for any longer than a specified period of time; Darius Rugahi remains at the Gate of All Nations as Chancellor of External Affairs and Sir Iain de Vembria consolidates the control of his Secretariat over the internal workings of the Commonwealth as Chancellor of Internal Affairs.

The biggest shake up has been to the most active Chancellery, that of Defence in the Plaza of the Army.
The office of the Chancellor of Defence has been replaced by two new positions - Chancellor of the Northern Fences and Chancellor of the Southern Fences, with the Chancellor of the Northern Fences taking responsibility for the defence of Treesia, Alteria, Zemlya and Karnali, while the Chancellor of the Southern Fences will take responsibility for the defence of Aerlig, Aundentia Nova, Babkha, Palastina and the Skerries. Defence of the Northern Fences falls to Tribune Extreme Double-O Seven of Karnali, while defence of the Southern Fences becomes the responsibility of Protector and Shahanshah Ardashir Khan Osmani of Babkha.

With this reorganisation Babkha and Karnali will continue to be at the forefront of creating an aggressive, assertive and Shireroth beating armed force, building on the glorious victories in the Jaris War and the defence of Elwynn.

Friday, November 11, 2005

"Lonely Planet" to Publish Guide to Micronations

A travel guide to micronations is due to be published next year by Lonely Planet, according to Khamsin Molossia News. The proposed guide is intended to feature micronations with actual territory, such as Hutt River, Seborga, Sealand, and Molossia itself.

Lonely Planet was founded in the early 1970s by Tony and Maureen Wheeler when they decided to publish a travel guide following a trip from London to Asia and Australia. Today, it is the world's leading independent travel publisher, with over 400 staff in offices in the UK, Australia and the USA.

The Molossian government has been asked by Lonely Planet to provide them with high-quality images and additional information about the country, and believes that this could "mean the beginning of a whole new era for landed micronations, one of actual tourism, and we are all looking forward to the possibility."

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Commonwealth swings into electoral mode

Tara, CCT- Electoral debate has flared up in the Commonwealth Capital with the current Taoiseach, Rakesh Ackbar, announcing his intention to run for a second term as Taoiseach against Aerlish Protector Lachlan Powers, who announced his candidacy some days earlier.

Ackbar and Powers made their first campaign speeches in the capital's Great Plaza during the week, with Powers speech "Plans for the Summer" followed by Ackbar's launch "Plans for the Winter". Whether the differences in proposed weather conditions will swing some voters is still undecided.

Powers stated in his speech that he wished to capitalise on the EIFA events coming to the Commonwealth over the summer to attract new visitors, while overhauling the electoral systems for both the Shahan-Ri and the Majlis-i-Dharma. He has also announced plans for the creation of a High Court and wishes to draw Commonwealth citizens back from Shireroth, where their participation is "...a sin to the rising sun itself...".

Ackbar focused in his speech on strengthening the power of the Commonwealth, and indicated taking action against nations of the Commonwealth who have recently moved away from democracy. He also seconded a number of the ideas put forward by Powers in his proposal. Powers was quick to attack the Taoiseach's proposal however, claiming it was a violation of the rights of the individual member states to run their affairs as they see fit.

It appears that, should no other candidate step up, this election may turn into a battle between those fighting for individual liberty in all nations and those fighting for the liberty of the member nations. Who will win, the National Liberals or the Individual Liberals? Find out by keeping tuned to the Apollo Inquisitor...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Treesia Celebrates Its Fifth Anniversary

HALBERD LIGHTHOUSE, SOVEREIGN ORDER OF TREESIA - Treesia celebrated its fifth anniversary today and the event was celebrated in style with key supporters being honoured with some unique awards.

Although it was originally founded back in the mists of micronational history by the infamous Thomas Hubert, it was refounded as the Barony of Treesia and Fabon on October 20th 2000 by Eoin Dornan, following a successful coup backed by the long-defunct Republic of Blackrock. Following a very successful period of expansion as the United Baronies, the focus in recent months has been as the Sovereign Order of Treesia, concentrating on preserving its heritage and co-founding the Grand Commonwealth.

The celebratory awards comprised the following honours:

The Medallion of the Orchids was awarded to Sir Thomas Cutterham in "recognition of his creative work for the Treesian Unorthodox Church", the Collar of Carradu was awarded to Sir Cesare Agosto for his "tenacious talents in the footballing arena", the Standard of the March Breeze was awarded to Sir Ardashir Osmani, for his efforts in "daring to invade Treesia every year for four years", the Golden Belt of Cynos was awarded to Squire Lachlan Powers for co-creating the Grand Commonwealth, while the Shield of the Silver Hind was awarded to Sir Eoin Dornan for "making it all possible in the first place".

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

World Cup Host Announced

Trenton-Corio, AU, Aerlig- EIFA Chairman Lachlan Powers today announced that the Republic of Karnali will host the fourth annual EIFA World Cup.

The Chairman made the announcement at the EIFA Headquarters in Trenton to a packed room, who were eagerly waiting to find out the host of the years biggest intermicronatonal event. The event has grown in past years with some 28 teams participating in last years Cup, which was held in Babkha.

Karnali is expected to get underway almost immediately with planning for the event, before calling for entries in early November. Powers stated that he was expecting around the same number of teams to participate in the competition again. It is believed that should large numbers of nations enter again, entry may be restricted to English speaking nations, after German nations invaded last years Cup.

Favourites for this year’s cup will remain Karnali, especially now that they have the home ground advantage. Traditional number ones Treesia are also expected to present a challenge for the cup, along with Babkha, who failed to make the finals when they hosted the tournament last year.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Camel Revolution Gives Democracy the Hump?

They call it the Camel Revolution. Named they say after the most distinctive traditional sights of Babkha, the omnipresent dromedary seen violating the traffic regulations of every souk and bazaar the length and breadth of the Kingdom, though cynics have questioned whether this represented an official branding exercise cashing in on the recent trend in naming illegal regime changes after objects or colours as part of an effort to make the changes seem popular.

His Imperial Majesty has been out in the bazaar addressing a band of loyal followers promising to turn around the Kingdom's fortunes by slaughtering one of the sacred cows of his majestic herd, the democratic constitution of Babkha.

For those browbeaten by the heady rhetoric of the Rakesh years and the bitter rivalry of the Behsaz and Rastakhiz parties the debate about ending the long established democratic traditions of the Kingdom must seem something of an anticlimax. That in some respects is the entire point.

Administrations have come and gone, some popular like the Grand Vizierate of Tahmaseb, some competent like the Namvari governments, some visionary like the first Ackbar term of office. However all since the heady days of the first Rastakhiz, engineered by the well-nigh deified Abbas Namvari, have been to a greater or lesser extent treading water. Structurally the Kingdom remains stuck in 2003, the bills are paid and the infrastructure maintained, but the laws that have been passed by successive Majlis-i-Mellats have been only indifferently observed and the Babkhan populace has more often than not opted to favour Behsazi opportunism over high-minded ideals.

Indeed in recent months the Majlis-i-Mellat ceased to function as an organised body. When asked to consider dissolving the Majlis and calling for yet another round of elections the Shah replied

"At the present time I do not believe democracy in Babkha is fit to survive."

And with that the Camel 'Revolution' had begun.

Three days of level headed discussion in the Kamalshahr bazaar preceded to whittle down the options for replacing the democratic system. Both Grand Commonwealth intervention and a state of emergency have been more or less ruled out. The solution, which has the support of the Grand Vizier, the Attorney General and several Satraps appears to centre around appointing new delegates to the Majlis-i-Mellat to vote the constitution out of existence and replace it with a new text which provides for a new merged executive-legislature based on the Shahanshah who would be granted greater powers of rule by decree and an assembly of the satraps, appointed by the Shahanshah on account of their activity and loyalty, the Majlis-i-Satrapan.

A farman appointing the new delegates to the Majlis-i-Mellat is expected shortly.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Istvanistan's Independence War

VLADOGRAD, COMMONWEALTH OBLAST [CHAOCRACY] OF ISTVANISTAN - In the wake of a spate of mutual annexations worthy of Yardistan itself the conflict between Istvanistan and the Grand Commonwealth is settling down into a more familiar story of a plucky anarchic and eccentric community waging a liberation war against the dry bureaucracy of an evil empire. A tale of nuclear eclairs and sandworms being pitched against each other in epic combat.

In spite of the resistance led by the self appointed Minister of Entropy Increasement Spetzjoe, the Commonwealth led by Protector AK Osmani has continued the pacification and reorganisation of the oblast by appointing an Oblastsatrapfuhrer and the patriation of Istvanistan's Liber Laws to the Hall of Six Pillars, the legislative archive of the Grand Commonwealth in its capital Sahanshai-Tara.

In other news Oblastsatrapfuhrer Stjepan Veliki, whose motto is 'they pretend to pay me and I pretend to work' has announced in his first 'five-minute plan' a reorganisation of Istvanistan set around the Municipality of Vladograd.

Meanwhile Commonwealth occupation forces are rumoured to be terrified by reported sightings of Granny Spetzjoe's radioactive bloomers in the Barents Sea.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Elwynn Pays Tribute to Babkha's Anniversary

Today the Shah of Babkha was honoured as a new Count in Elwynn as tribute to Babkha's fifth anniversary celebrations. Elwynn is a Barony of Shireroth, and the Shah was created the Count of Lesser Zjandaria by the Baron of Elwynn, RicLyon, and was bestowed a new County of the same name, incorporating three detached communes within Elwynn.

In his decree, the Baron of Elwynn said: "In honouring the foundation of the Babkhan nation and recognizing that so many people of this great Land of ours feel affection for their Babkhan nationhood and ethnicity, the Baronial Authority of this State feels that it is with all right that a county shall be created for them in the areas in which they form a distinct majority."

Shah Ardashir Osmani, in an exclusive interview with the Apollo Inquisitor, said: "We have been pleasantly surprised and honoured by this unexpected and most generous award from the Baron of Elwynn. As Count we promise to rule wisely and firmly with traditional Babkhan humour and fair play, and also to demonstrate the respect and hospitality towards our neighbours for which we are so rightly famous."

Babkha Celebrates Fifth Anniversary With Multitudinous Honours

The Kingdom of Babkha celebrated its fifth anniversary today by awarding Honours to many prominent micronationalists, past and present. The Honours were announced in an Imperial Farman issued by His Majesty the Shah, Ardashir Osmani, to celebrate Foundation Day.

His Majesty said: "May all who have received these awards be rightly celebrated for their achievements and their contributions to the continued prosperity of the Kingdom and the Micronational community in general, as is their right. Let us also remember that Babkha has had a long and varied history and that this fifth anniversary of the declaration of sovereignty by the revered and immortal Babak Shahanshah back in October of 2000 is far from being the end of the Babkhan story. Gentlemen I pray I shall see you all for the sixth anniversary of our glorious kingdom, a leading light of the Grand Commonwealth of nations, the vibrant cultural legacy of our sector."

The Honours awarded consist of five different ranks, relating to specific fields of achievement and loyalty. The foremost Honour is that of the Nishan i-Rastakhiz, awarded to foreign Heads-of-State, who best reflect the spirit and positive values of the Babkhan Rastakhiz on the international stage, and who are considered warm allies of the Kingdom.

The Nishan i-Rastakhiz was awarded to King Charles Augustus II of the Kingdom of Gotzborg, Emperor Harald Thorstein of the Sovereign Empire of Stormark, Kaiser Yarad I of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, Emperor Edgard Portela of the Empire of the Alexandrians, King Chas Jar'go of Alteria, Ramu Taiçardainre I of Lemuria, Tribune Extreme of the Republic of Karnali, Protector Lachlan Powers of the Republic of Aerlig, and Chancellor Sir Iain de Vembria of the Sovereign Order of Treesia.

The next Honour is that of the Nishan-i-Taj, awarded for services to the Kingdom. The recipients were Shahan-Ri and Satrap Tahmaseb Abakhtari, Sultan Mohammed al-Baqir, the Amir Shervanis, Mirza Satrap Darius Rugahi, Satrap Yaghoub Ahmad Vembriani, Satrap Edward Benazir Shahzamini, Satrap Rashid Arsalani, Satrap William Bagram, Satrap Rakesh Ackbar, Satrap Yuri Zhivago, and the Honourable Hesam Jahandar.

The Honour of Nishan-i-Khurshid is a miltary order for service in the face of the enemy, and was given to the Amir Shervanis, Admiral Dugobert Wurmster, and Tribune & Commonwealth Defence Chancellor Extreme007.

Nobility is rewarded with the Nishan-i-Shir, for notable gallantry in the face of the enemy. King Charles Augustus II of the Kingdom of Gotzborg and Tribune & Commonwealth Defence Chancellor Extreme007 were the recipients.

Finally, the order of the Nishan-i-Liaqat, for those who deserve to be rewarded for their contributions to Babkhan and Micronational culture, arts and literature, was conferred upon Kaiser Yarad I of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, Mirza Satrap Darius Rugahi, Satrap Yaghoub Ahmad Vembriani, Protector Lachlan Powers of the Republic of Aerlig, Satrap Rakesh Ackbar, the Honourable Hesam Jahandar, and the Honourable Arch-Infidel Scott Alexander.

Shireroth Gets Paranoid Over and Suspends Immigration

SHIREKEEP, SHIREROTH - Shireroth's much-vaunted recent recruitment campaign seems to have spectactularly backfired this evening, when the entire immigration process was suspended indefinitely as a result of the growing realisation that acquiring as many new citizens as it did was useless if they had nothing to do and kept disappearing as a result.

The unprecendented panic measure was introduced this evening by Minister of the Interior and
Director of Tourism, and Steward,
Fax Celestis, who in a statement, said: "Due to the large influx of new immigrants who have yet to show their faces more than twice, and due to the recent additions of citizens for the express purpose of obtaining a means to an end, instead of the betterment of the nation, there is now a freeze on all immigration to Shireroth."

The Minister's statement also hints at Shireroth's first rejection of an immigrant application for many months, if not years. This evening he denied citizenship to Stormarkian Lady Vesteralen, on the grounds that he feared that she was only wanting to join in order to "join the nation simply [to] fight in the War of Vengeance and then become inactive." However, vigourous lobbying by the RicLyon, Baron of Elwynn and Lac Glacei, later convinced the Minister to make an exception to the new immigration regime, by permitting a decree by the Baron allowing her a "chance of proving herself", who explained that the decree "has no legal effect anywhere else. The decree simply states that in Elwynn she is to be regarded as a companion. That means that she can engage with us other Elwynnese on an equal basis in our community".

Both decisions were roundly condemned by many fellow Shirerithians, but it highly unlikely that the situation will be resolved until after the true Kaiser (who unfortunately is ill) is able to return.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Istvanistan takes over the Grand Commonwealth and Shireroth?

VLADAGRAD, CHAOCRACY OF ISTVANISTAN - After an unprecendented display of diplomatic showmanship, no-one now is certain whether Istavnistan controls the Grand Commonwealth, or the Grand Commonwealth controls Istvanistan.

Whatever the conclusion might, it is certain that there is no doubt that yesterday, the Cause of Istvanistan, Stjepan Veliki, issued a statement in which he granted "the Grand Commonwealth and the Imperial Republic of Shireroth the status of Autonomous Oblasts, under the ultimate sovereignty of the Chaocracy. This status entails that they shall have the the right to hate and kill each other, as well as to print their own postage. "

In response, the Protector of the Grand Commonwealth, Ardashir Osmani, decreed that: "As a Oblast of the supreme Chaocracy of Istvanistan the Grand Commonwealth in obedience to the precepts of the primordial hereby declares Istvanistan overthrown and to be an Oblast of the Oblast and accordingly the Grand Oblastoblast Commonwealth hereby annexes the Oblasts of Istvanistan and Shireroth to be held for all eternity, backdated to the beginning of time until this decree is countermanded by one even more ridiculous. May all who disobey be chewed for a millenia by a sandworm with chronic indigestion."

No response from Shireroth has yet been received, as they are believed (at time of press) to still be asleep and blissfully unaware of their unexpected fate.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Protector Enacts Section Three

Statesman House- Adelwin, Aerlig- For the first time in the history of the Republic of Aerlig, the Protector of the Republic, Lachlan Powers, has enacted Section Three of the Constitution, enabling him to take up the responsibilities of the Parliament.

The section, which has existed in the constitution since it was written in 2001, enables the Protector to take over the responsibilities of any national office that fails in its duties to the nation. Since the branch of government that the Protector says has failed is the Parliament, the Protector may take on the full legislative and executive functions of the Government, powers which were recently strengthened in the constitutional referendum.

The Protector declared today at 12:30 on the steps of Statesman House that the Parliament had fallen into inactivity, and had therefore failed the people, and as a result he would be taking over the Government of the nation.

The believed cause of this action is the fact that two pieces of legislation have been sitting in the Parliamentary chamber for debate for over a week now. The Protector was quick to rush through the National Gazette Act of 2005 and the Re-enactment Act of 2005 as soon as he assumed power.

How long the Protector will retain office for is yet to be seen, but his actions are expected to stir up some debate within the Aerlig community.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Beginnings of the Grand Commonwealth (Part I)

It has been suggested by a number of micronationalists that the Grand Commonwealth was designed from the outset to be a counterweight to Shirerothian supremacy in the microworld. Others have also resorted to referring to the Commonwealth as Greater Babkha, unaware of the true history that lies behind the formation of the grand nation. The first thoughts of a Commonwealth started a little under a year ago, when Lachlan Powers (Aerlig) and Sir Iain de Vembria met during an online conversation to discuss the direction of their two nations.

Powers and de Vembria had often discussed the plights of their two nations, which had suffered greatly from inactivity over the preceding months. It was time that some action should be taken. All of micronationalism was in a lul, and something was needed to create some activity and draw new blood into the hobby, but what? October 9th, 2004 was the birth of discussions for a new nation. While it took nearly six months from this date for the dream to become a reality, the wheels were put in motion that night for an idea that would grow much beyond the original dreams.

The removal of Apollo Foundation lands from the Micronational Cartographic Society Map was an action that was loudly criticized by micronationalists around Micras, from Shireroth to Treesia. One must often wonder how Ryan Caruso can continue his job at the top after all the hard decisions and criticism he has had to make. The decision had been made, however, and Treesia’s long lives existence on the map was being threatened. So on the 9th October, the Round Table was presented with two options- threaten the MCS or leave the Foundation and resume sovereignty over the traditional lands. Treesia had once covered lands ranging as far as Shireroth of the day, and the prospect of the nation being wiped off the map altogether was one that de Vembria couldn’t bare contemplate.

Powers, a member of the Round Table, came up with the initial laughable suggestion of Treesia becoming and Aerlish state. The suggestion though, however ridiculous it may have seemed at the time, was to give rise to what is arguably the largest, most powerful nation Micras has ever seen.

Not long after the suggestion of the Treesian state, de Vembria first floated the idea of a loose union between Treesia, Aerlig and Lemuria- A “New Apolloian [sic] Empire�. United for economics, foreign affairs and security in the first place. The laughable idea of admitting Antica was floated (which we shall see later was not so laughable), along with flooding Micras in the violent lime green colour which Aerlig possessed. Apollo fever took over, and notions were raised of contacting Harvey about the Flying Islands, Trevon about Istavanistan and considering how many different acronyms could be formed including the word Apollo.

By the 10th, Powers had spoken with Delphi Augustus of Antica, who was willing to join in discussions about the formation of a new Empire. For the next day, things stood idle, probably as life interceded, as it does. Something was clearly brewing though. With Aerlig, Treesia, Lemuria and Antica having expressed interest, there was a possibility of something big occurring. Note though that Babkha was not mentioned, nor was it even considered. As we will see, it was many months before Babkha was even associated with the project. Other nations will come and go before then, and yet the whole project will remain under wraps from Micras’s supposed top security agencies.

It was on the 9th of October that, what was so eloquently referred to at the time as the "Imperial Whatever of Thingummy" came into life as an idea.

To be continued...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Shireroth: Future Less Ugly

Shirekeep, Imperial Republic of Shireroth:

Kaiser Los III's brave and controversial decision to overturn a long standing Shirerithian tradition of horrendous forum designs has met with partial success with a new and undeniably beautiful banner replacing the old and rather unsightly Shirerithian 'jack' - the flag of a globe spanning empire that looked as though it was drawn by an eight year old on ritalin when in fact it was designed by Erik, the founder of Shireroth, sometime in the dim and distant past though presumably not when he was eight and on ritalin (disclaimer).

The Shirerithians have also enaged robustly with their infamous forum background replacing the infamous tiled Malabor effect with a stretched forest village scene that while not exactly pretty is at least not quite as queasy and unsettling as its predecessor.

However Kaiser Los, for his efforts to prevent foreigners and new citizens (of whom there are now a considerable number thanks to a recent advertising campaign) being physically sick whilst they browse, has come under a certain amount of criticism from Shirerithian traditionalists, of who there is, predictably, a substantial minority that considers an alteration to the appearance of the forum to be an unpardonable slight against all that is right and holy in Shireroth. However it is hard to tell whether the Yardistanis have oppossed the redesign just to be bloody-minded and eccentric.

So controversial has the thorny issue of removing Malabor been that Kaiser Los, who is blessed with a degree of absolute authority that Anticans can only dream of, has had to resort to finding consensus (the Kaiser incidentally says that he always favours reaching a consensus, but then he would say that wouldn't he) via opinion polls in the Temple of Lumina. The result of the poll appears to have given a landslide in favour of the redesign but rumours persist that the result was slightly skewed on account of a certain unnamed member of the Almagro family voting a dozen times.

It seems likely that the new forum design will survive the reign of Kaiser Los III though whether it will do so without bloodshed is entirely another matter.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Shireroth Convulses the World

These are strange days, and things have just gotten a whole lot stranger. Shireroth has now done something that it has always vowed never to do (i.e. consider changing its forum design), while simultaneously a semi-senior micronationalist was last seen turning into a goose and subsequently plotting a campaign against some of his allies. Coincidence, or consequence?

So just what is going on? The Kaiser of Shireroth has apparently cracked under the overwhelming pressure of foreign opinion and published not one, but two polls regarding the future look of the Imperial Republic's message boards.

Shirerithians have resisted for many years any changes their look, inspite of some brave but (in hindsight) foolhardy attempts to do so (resulting in people being exiled, for example), relying instead on potential visitors and citizens to be of strong enough mind to overcome such visually-challenging issues as under-contrasted (blue on blue) and over-contrasted (red on blue) text (and sometimes both together), uncoordinated background patterns, over-enlarged (and thus horribly pixelated) background images, decorative images in a cornucopia of differing styles and quality, and various banners that take up almost as much screen space as the boards themselves. The national symbols have been subtly improved in recent months, although a garish anti-aliased flag has only been replaced by one just as garish (although at least aliased now), but with most un-flag-like 3-dimensional bevelled edges.

Such fundamental changes are never without unforeseen consequences, and the global convulsions resulting from this improbable change in the status quo have seemingly been so great that they have managed to turn the mind of a once-respected micronationalist, so that he is convinced that he is a goose on a one-bird crusade to rule the world, making everyone a vegetarian on the way and creating a glut of fermented apples in the process, while allegedly accompanied by an army of pecking moorhens.

In the meantime, new forum designs are being tested in a new Temple of Lumina, surreptitiously hidden away in an isolated corner of Shireroth. The current proposal is a rather smarter design full of reds and blues, but the opinion polls remain divided on the subject. Malarbor, as yet, doesn't seem too bothered about it though, preferring to bask in the glory of making public appearances instead.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

New Protector for the Commonwealth

Taoiseach's Winter Office- Adelwin, Aerlig (GC)- The Taoiseach today announced the first Protector of the Commonwealth, and extended his cabinet by one with the appointment of Thomas Cutterham to two positions this morning.

In a statement in the Apadana, Taoiseach Powers announced that Mr Cutterham would take up the role of Deputy Foreign Affairs Advisor, to help clear some of the backlog of Foreign Relations currently plaguing the nation. In the same statement, Powers also announced that Cutterham would take up the position of Protector of the Commonwealth.

The Protector of the Commonwealth is empowered under the Protector of the Commonwealth Act to act as the Taoiseach while the Taoiseach is on a Leave of Absence. Taoiseach Powers shall be taking a leave of absence next week.

This will be only the second head of government in the country, with Powers serving as the Taoiseach since the nations founding in March this year.

Karnali joins the GC

Protector's Office, CCT (GC)- The Republic of Karnali has finally completed the process of becoming a member state of the Grand Commonwealth, with Tribune extreme007 today accepting the Charter of the Grand Commonwealth on behalf of the Republic.

The Commonwealth's Majlis-i-Shahan-Ri voted three weeks ago to admit the Republic to the Commonwealth, but the representatives from Karnali have only just accepted the offer to the nation. One of the conditions of the union, the renaming of the Majlis-i-Shahan-Ri to the Majlis-I-Dharma, has also taken place effective today.

Taoiseach Lachlan Powers and Shahan-Ri Tahmaseb Shah Abakhtari welcomed Karnali to the Commonwealth early this morning, and since the union the Commonwealth has seen a surge in activity unseen in any other nation.

Karnali is the sixth member state to join the Grand Commonwealth.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Aryez threatens Commonwealth, exposed as fraud

MZM CAPITAL OFFICE, CCT (GC) - The Aralanic Empire of Aryez has been exposed today trying to lure Antica into an attack on the Grand Commonwealth with false and misleading information.

Aryez approached the Antican Foreign Office yesterday declaring that "war between Aryez and the GC seems to be imminent" and claiming that unidentified members of the Grand Commonwealth had made derogatory remarks about the nation. The approach followed similar comments at Aryez's own forums. The slanderous rampage then continued into the Grand Commonwealth's own foreign affairs headquarters, with Aryez calling for death to the Commonwealth and calling for the trial of the Commonwealth's Taoiseach, for crimes against humanity, although these claims were backed up with neither examples nor evidence.

A quick conference between leaders of the Commonwealth and Antica soon laid down fears of any conflict, and it was almost instantly apparent that the claims had all been falsified. Aryez then tried to jump on the back foot by claiming that their account had been hacked after it became clear that Antica would not get involved, even though there was an abundance of evidence to the contrary. Nothing has been heard of since from the Aryezian government.

For all the latest news, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor.

Aerlig Elects New Parliament

ADELWIN, AERLIG - The Aerlig Electoral Commission returned results today for the twelfth session of Parliament of the Republic of Aerlig.

The election saw a record-matching seven candidates run for the five positions available in the Parliament, only the third time that an election has been held for the Parliament. While the campaign this year lacked the ferociousness of the last election campaign, many of the candidates petitioned hard for their positions on the Parliament.

Protector Lachlan Powers announced the results early this morning to a large crowd gathered on the lawns of the Protector's Office. The five returned members were Peter Krembs (Labor), Lachlan Powers (XP), Dugobert Wurmser (XP), Joe Sendler (ANP) and Carson Smith (Ind.). Iain Vembria and Jayce Adryn, both members of the Expansionist Party, missed out in a very tight vote.

So far, only one member has put his hand up for the role of Prime Minister, that being Mr Krembs. Krembs returned to Aerlig recently after a prolonged absence. With no party having a majority in the Parliament, and Powers indicating support of a Krembs ministry, there is a good chance he may get the top job.

For all the latest news, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

MX2 Opens To International Trade

MX2, the long-awaited replacement for PHP MicroXchange, opened to international trade today. MX2 already has ten member nations signed up, and represents months of programming and testing by its creators, Sander Dieleman and Jouker Sendler.

Some new operating restrictions are in force in order to prevent possible misuse of the system. Firstly, no user may initiate more than 5 international transactions within a period of two hours, and secondly, no more than 15% of a nation's circulating money may be transferred abroad every week.

Jouker Sendler, who also hosts MX2, said: "We hope that these limits will not be too restrictive. However, they might be reviewed and changed if necessary. So anyone who cannot transfer money because of these restrictions should post that information in the MX2 Forums, explaining why they think the restrictions should be changed."

Micronational economics has been in the doldrums for many months, mainly due to the absence of any viable operating system, so it will be interesting to see if MX2 can revive demand back to the levels seen in the days of the old ICEO. Certainly the automation of transactions, developed from the initial system in Sander Dieleman's PHP MicroXchange, should help.

Board Restorations May Take a Week or More

Some micronational Ezboards may take a week to restore, following a devasting malicious attack on the Ezboard network yesterday.

The attack resulted in a signifcant loss of current and backup data, creating severe problems for most of the Ezboard communities, some with only recent posts missing, while others have all posts missing.

Rob Labatt, Ezboard CEO, said: "We are taking the fastest route to restore data, but it may take up to 48 hours to get data back to approximately 9,000 boards. A more manual method requiring upwards of seven to ten days is required to restore data to the other boards that lost data. Regrettably we may not be able to restore data to all boards that lost data."

Ezboard staff have requested that requests for board restorals and notices of individual board problems are not submitted as all boards will be restored (where possible).

All Ezboard users are advised to regularly check 'All the News You Need to Know' for updates regarding the latest situation.

They are also advised not to post new messages on affected boards as there is a risk that they may be overwritten during the restoration process.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Shireroth Denies Involvement in SPEAR Alliance

SHIREKEEP, SHIREROTH - Controversy erupted in Shireroth today when an official statement was issued denying any involvement in the SPEAR alliance announced by Attera two days ago.

The Atteran Prime Minister, Johanns fonn Klosso had announced that Attera had signed "the Skiron Pact for Economic and Armed Reinforcement, an agreement between Attera, Shireroth, Natopia, Antica, and the Union of Atteran Monarchies." However, it appears that Attera is the only nation to have actually signed the Pact at the time of press.

Earlier today, the Shirerithian Minister of the Exterior issued the following statement:
"Yesterday, the Prime Minister of the Atteran Empire, HH Johanns fonn Klosso, announced the formation of an organisation called the SPEAR Alliance, apparently an economic and military alliance of which Attera, Shireroth, Natopia, Antica, and the Union of Atteran Monarchies are allegedly members. This announcement was also reported in the news publication Atteran Chronicle World.

"The Imperial Republic of Shireroth categorically states that, contrary to the statement issued by Prime Minister fonn Klosso, it is not a member of the SPEAR Alliance, and that no agreement to join it has either been decreed by His Imperial Highness Kaiser Alejian I, nor approved or even proposed to the Government of Shireroth. Neither has the Shirerithian Minstry of the Exterior received any diplomatic communciations from the Atteran Empire concerning this matter.

"The Imperial Republic of Shireroth therefore requests that the Atteran Empire retracts the issued statement immediately and issues a corrected statement, apologising for the error."

The SPEAR Pact is in for a rough ride in Shireroth if and when it is finally presented there, as it has been designed, through military alliances and a single economic system, to pave the way for potentially closer political ties for the members with the Atteran Empire. This is highly likely to conflict with a number of treaties that Shireroth currently holds with other nations, which is guaranteed to upset a significant proportion of Shirerithians.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Aerlig to hold Elections

ADELWIN, AERLIG - Aerlish Protector Lachlan Powers early this evening prorogued the Parliament on request of the citizens, calling for nominations for the twelfth parliament of the Republic.

The Protector has called for nominations to the new Parliament, which is to be made up of five members. With eight currently active citizens in the Republic, there is a strong chance of an election occurring for the available seats. During the election period, Prime Minister Carson Smith will continue to head the caretaker government.

Should an election be called, it is expected that the newly renamed Labour Party, led by Peter Krembs, will fight a strong campaign for seats in the Parliament. The new Aerlig National Party should secure at least one seat under original Aerlig citizen Joe Sendler, while the eXpansionist Party will look to gain up to three seats in the election. The Liberal Republican Party, led by former citizen and Prime Minister Kevin, is expected to lose all representation in the Parliament and consequently be stripped of party status.

Nominations are being accepted by the Protector for ten days until June 2.

More the latest news from Aerlig, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor.

Chaos in Shireroth!

SHIREKEEP, SHIREROTH - Shireroth descended into anarchy this afternoon with protests raging of the reorganisation of the nations forums.

All PRH has broken loose as the commoners of the Republic have taken to streets demanding that the archives of their former Duchies and Baronies be opened to the public. Minister of the Interior Joseph Strong stood by his decision to lock the forums, stating that the new duchies created under the Duchy Reorganisation Act do not in fact exist until the Kaiser appoints three new Dukes.

This legal basis was not a good enough argument for the Shireroth commoners, who continued bickering until the Minister was forced to bow to the pressure and open up the new forums to the public. Arguments continue to rage, however, over the Ministers use of codenames and images for the new forums, which have quite obviously been put in place temporarily to reorganise the forums. Some citizens, however, appear to believe the Minister has taken it upon himself to rename parts of the nation.

Some visitors to the nation have suggested that the internal brawl may be the work of secret Grand Commonwealth forces infiltrating the Republic to destabilise it, although these rumours appear to be completely unfounded.

More news from Shireroth as it comes to hand, only in the Apollo Inquisitor.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Taoiseach Condemns Illegal Activities

COMMONWEALTH CAPITAL TERRITORY, GC - The Taoiseach of the Grand Commonwealth, Lachlan Powers, today released a statement to the peoples of the Commonwealth condemning the actions of any nation who violates macronational laws.

While not specifically mentioning any nation, or condemning any nation, the Taoiseach's declaration was clearly pointed at the comments made by the Atteran Emperor late yesterday.

Taoiseach Powers made it clear that the Commonwealth would condemn any nation which

"...wilfully participates in the destruction of National Documents and Electronic Data, attempts to access documents or data to which they are not privileged, attempts to deploy codes and ‘weapons’ against the hosting and email services of anyone [and] threats to level the abovementioned means and weapons against any person or nation."

He also stated that:

"The Grand Commonwealth does not wish to seek relations with any community who acts, or supports nations who act, in a manner that is uncivilised and considered illegal in marcronational countries (including, but not limited to, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia), and condemns the actions of any persons who do act in such a manner. Disputes between nations should be rightfully settled through negotiation and diplomacy, not through the threat of illegal actions."

The inclusion of the phrase "from this day forward" and the lack of an official condemnation of Attera indicates that the Taoiseach may be willing to forgive the actions and comments the Emperor yesterday and work towards a peaceful outcome of the situation surrounding Santa Gertrudis.

For the latest information on the Grand Commonwealth, stay tuned to the Apollo Inquisitor.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Aerlig Appoints New Ministers

ADELWIN, AERLIG - Aerlig’s new Prime Minister Carson Smith has appointed his first Cabinet to help him run his new Government.

Along with the new Ministers, the Prime Minister also adjusted the ministries to reflect Aerlig’s new position as a member of the Commonwealth. The Internal Affairs ministry has gained control over the nations defence until the Commonwealth requisitions it, while the External Affairs Ministry has become the Ministry for Extragovernmental Affairs, or specifically, dealing with the Commonwealth.

The new ministers for the Republic are Lachlan Powers as the Minister of Extragovernmental Affairs and returning citizen Peter Krembs as Internal Affairs Minister. Dugobert Wurmser has been appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister.

Attera Threatens the Commonwealth

ADELWIN, AERLIG, GC - After a certain talking dog publicised this week plans by the Grand Commonwealth to launch a protection force to the former San Martin territory of Santa Gertrudis, tempers have reached boiling point between the Commonwealth and Attera.

Late this afternoon Atteran Emporer Mik'el Tzion I made a statement at the MNN Forums threatening to "take out" the Commonwealth if it entered the Santa Gertrudis territories. Earlier in the week, Attera entered into an agreement with the one-person state to protect its colonies from any invasion of their territories.

The Grand Commonwealth is yet to make an official comment on the matter, but it is sure to not look to kindly upon being threatened by the Atteran menace. Attera’s suggestion of undertaking illegal activities to make its point, as has been done in the past, appears to only have further enraged some Commonwealth citizens.

For the latest information from around Micras, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Taoiseach Appointed

ŠÂHANŠÂHI-TARA, CCT, GRAND COMMONWEALTH - The elections for the first Taoiseach of the Grand Commonwealth has completed, with Aerlig citizen Lachlan Powers being elected.

The Majlis-i-Shahan-Ri voted unanimously to install Mr Powers as the nations first Premier, after the Babkhan nomination, Darius Rugahi, stated that he did not feel he would be able to contribute the amount of time needed to properly occupy the office.

Mr Powers has been quick to use his mandate to begin forming an Executive Cabinet of the Commonwealth, calling for citizens to apply for the positions of Foreign Affairs Advisor, Defence Advisor and Director of the Secretariat. As the Taoiseach, Powers has been given a large amount of power over the affairs of the nation, but through these actions it appears that he is prepared to share out a large proportion of the workload between the citizens.

Applications for the Cabinet positions are set to close next Wednesday, before Powers announces his Cabinet at the end of the week.

Commonwealth Territory under dispute

MCS HQ, MNN - The management of the Micronational Cartographic Society are continuing to receive flack from the recent decision to grant the former lands of Audentior to the Grand Commonwealth when it joined the map this week.

Many individuals have expressed their disapproval of the decision by MCS staff to include the extra land on the map, with the largest argument now finally winding down in Shireroth. Led by Bill Dusch, a number of Shirerothians have claimed that the Grand Commonwealth has no right to claim the historically important lands, and that the GC should move its territory elsewhere or face the power of Shireroth. Others have called for the removal of Cartographer Ardashir Khan, claiming he is too biased to be in the position.

The Commonwealth has been yet to formally reply to the allegations made by individuals, and no Government has yet formally approached the Commonwealth about the issue. Only time will tell the outcome of this contentious issue.

Kaiser Abdicates!

SHIREKEEP, SHIREROTH - Kaiser Ari I of Shireroth abdicated the throne early this morning in a move that shocked the nation.

The move came with the Kaiser citing a lack of time to tend to Shirerothian Affairs as the reason for giving up the throne. With Imperial Decree 173 he relinquished the throne and appointed the Imperial Steward Scott of Hyperborea to choose an heir of to the throne, strongly recommending that the Steward install himself.

Instead, in Decree 174 Scott declined the throne and announced that Gregory Russell would be the successor to the Shirerothian throne. The response was one of surprise from around the nation, including from Russell himself who was recorded as responding “Holy St. Francis on a Pogo Stick!�

Mr Russell will be sworn in as the Kaiser later this week, after choosing his Imperial name.

For the latest in news from around the globe, keep reading the Apollo Inquisitor

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Nations Unite!

SKERRY ISLES, TREESIA In what could go down as one of the most historic announcements of all time, the Chairman of the Sovereign Order of Treesia, Sir Iain de Vembria, and His Excllency the Emir of Raspur, Ardashir Osmani, today announced the formation of the Grand Commonwealth.

The announcement of the union between five nations has stunned the micronational community, with the new nation being released with a full website and forums, the result of many months of planning.

The Republic of Aerlig, Kingdom of Alteria, Kingdom of Babkha, Empire of Lemuria and Sovereign Order of Treesia have all passed the appropriate Acts and referenda through their legislatures in private over the past month, unbeknownst to the rest of the micronational community.

Lachlan Powers, Protector of Aerlig, said "The five nations have realized that there is more to gain in pooling common resources than to remain as separate entities. Together, we can, with our combined might grow into a great micronational force."

The new capital city of the country is currently a buzz with activity with Acting Shahan-Ri His Excellency the Emir of Raspur conducting the elections for the first Taoiseach of the Commonwealth. This is combed with the general sense of jubilation following the official announcement of the new nation.

Quick Facts-
New Union's Name:
The Grand Commonwealth
Member Nations: Aerlig, Alteria, Babkha, Lemuria and Treesia
National Capital: šâhanšâhi-Tara, Commonwealth Capital Territory
Head of State: Shahan-Ri Tahmaseb Shah Abakhtari (Babkha)
Head of Government: The Taoiseach, to be elected today.
Parliament: Majlis-i-Shahan-Ri

Friday, March 04, 2005

News Shorts- 6th March 2005

Adelwin, Aerlig- The Protector of the Republic Lachlan Powers has assumed the role of the Prime Minister of the Republic due to the recent inactivity of the former Prime Minister, Mr Zachary Klass. Mr Powers will remain in the role until such a time as a replacement is installed.

Treynor Proper, Treynor- The newly installed Protector of the Independent Colony of Treynor, the Protector of Aerlig Lachlan Powers, has successfully completed his first week of protection of the nation by accidentally deleting the nation’s forums. The red-faced Protector was unavailable to comment at the time of print.

Lemuria- Citizen of less than three weeks Carson Smith has resigned his citizenship in the Empire of Lemuria. Mr Smith stated that he was not compatible with Lemuria’s laid back approach to activity, and would be better suited to a more active nation.

Kamalshahr, Babkha- The 2004-05 EIFA World Cup is now into Preliminary Final mode, with 16 nations battling it out for the eight spots in the Quarter Finals. For the latest news and information about the EIFA World Cup check out our sister publication Football Fever.

Babkha- Babkha is currently at the polls until the 10th of March. As usual, voters have a wide variety of choice in their candidates, with candidates promising rewards such as severed and bonus legs.

San Martin- There has been a revolution in San Martin, and a new monarchy has been installed. So far there appears to be little resistance to the new government.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Lose Some, Win More...

Micronations.Net has received four new personal warrants from heads of state for the provision of its news services.

The new warrants, which may be seen on the homepage of its website, were received following the withdrawal of the warrant from the Atteran Emperor, a politically-manipulated protest following the failure of Atteran Chronicle World to qualify for the recently-introduced MNN Accredited Sources scheme.

The warrants were granted by the Emperors of Minorca and Lemuria, the Kaiser of Shireroth and the Protector of Aerlig, with the Minorcan one replacing that provided by its predecessor Baracão.

Friday, January 28, 2005

MNN Celebrates Third Anniversary

MNN Boards- The Micronational News Network (MNN) is today celebrating the third anniversary of what many people would have once considered unimaginable- a service offering continually updates news and information for micronations.

In what started as a long overdue replacement for the old Micronations Today ezboard, MNN provided a forum-based news service, with dedicated journalists providing the articles. This formula became a success and MNN became a big hit, with users posting more than 580 news stories alone before the start of the blogging revolution.

MNN has been about more than just providing the news, however. From its first post it has provided a neutral environment where people can meet and exchange ideas, hold conferences and discuss issues. As a result, over the years MNN has hosted numerous conferences and organisations, including the Micronational Cartography Society, the Currency Exchange Organisation, the Apollo Foundation and more recently the Micronational Recreational Warfare Society and FNORD Awards.

Its success can be seen in many ways. Not only has the board amassed close to 12,000 posts and 360 members, but it has welcomed more than 75,000 unique visitors- a post and view count that would put most nations to shame.

When the Apollo Inquisitor spoke earlier today with the founder and owner of MNN, Sir Iain de Vembria, it was quickly able to engage his excitement and satisfaction. He spoke of his surprise at the growth of the service, and how it continues to grow, culminating with the recent launch of MNN 24/7- the blog service inspired by Cyberian Jack Santucci and enacted by Sander Dieleman. De Vembria accredits the success of MNN to its neutrality, stating that it

"...has succeeded by providing dedicated fora and services requested by micronationalists, [expanding] from the four original fora to the fifteen-plus ones today. Its ongoing success is founded on the principal of attracting people's interest and keeping it, which includes giving them as much control as possible, and therefore an interest in keeping things going."

When asked if he had any future plans for the service, he informed us that the news had probably been developed about as far as it could go, but that "...the existing features will be maintained, and any suggestions for new ones will continue to be accepted and implemented if they have merit."

Congratulations MNN! Heres to another three years!

Related Links:
MNN Forums
MNN Website
MNN History

The Apollo Inquisitor is a partially owned subsidiary of the Micronational News Network.

Friday, January 21, 2005

A Flurry of FNORDs

For the fourth time in three years, micronationalists are busily nominating their choices for the People's FNORD Awards. This year there are over thirty awards available for nomination, although only the most popular will make it through to the final round of voting by five top judges.

The FNORD Awards are named after a combination of Emperor Joshua Norton and the Illuminatus Trilogy and were inspired by the original Norton Awards, which have long ceased to be. Their aim is to recognise micronationalists who have "lived up to the example of crazy genius that Norton pioneered" and "made the micronational world a much more interesting place."

The format of the awards has changed over the years, but this year sees the return of the voting judges, and a record number of awards. Nominations will close at the end of this weekend in time for several days of intense voting by the judges.