Following the recent unprecedented explosion in the variety of weblog-based micronational news sources, MNN announced today that, for the foreseeable future, it would be placing strict restrictions on adding new sources to its existing ones.
A spokesman said: "This restriction has regrettably been put in place due to a previously unknown limit on the number of active feeds that we can carry at any one time. While measures have been taken to seperately archive dormant feeds, we currently only have space for three more news weblogs, and one of those spaces has already been reserved. We would therefore encourage people who still wish to enter the field of micronational journalism to consider becoming regular correspondents for existing publications as an alternative to starting their own."
The English-language micronational news scene has changed unrecognisably over the past few months following improvements earlier this year to Blogger, which started including RSS syndication as a standard feature of its free weblogs. This led to a rapid transformation from there being a handful of static national and regional newspapers to over thirty news weblogs. However, the rate of creation has noticably slowed over the past month, as analysts expect that saturation-point has almost been reached, with most active micronations having at least one publication.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
MNN to Restrict News Weblogs
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